Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hurry up and wait

Well, I am continuing to loose weight. I guess it is a good thing and I have needed to do it for some time. I just didn't think it would happen this way. Becky and I just got back from my CT scan. It was quick and painless, outside of the IV for the contrast. All in all, it really wasn't so bad. Now I need to wait and find out what the results are. Because of HIPPA regulations Becky was not able to be there during my test and of course even as a patient I am not able to see my results. That is frustrating - a patient has no idea of his own health care. Hopefully I will have some sort of results by the end of the day, but it may not be until tomorrow. If it is my Gall Bladder they will just refer me to a surgeon.

After doing some research online, I found a few sites that talk about a Gall Bladder flush. But more intense research has turned up the serious risks involved. I know I can help control pain with diet, but once you have gall stones the likeliness of having another attack is 70%. Of course there are risks to having your gall bladder taken out as well. I guess you can say that the likeliness of having diarrhea after a greasy meal is 100%. So there are trade-offs.

Eating has been much easier too. I haven't minded eating healthy, normally I like it. But it is tough when I think of some of my favorite foods that I am no longer able to eat. Oh well...the price of beauty! lol

One thing I have noticed is how tired I am right now. I was feeling pretty good yesterday afternoon so I went with Becky to go get some fruit and veggies from Costco. It was a pretty low key event - but by the end I was tired and hurting. I worry that if I go to work right now that I will send myself into another attack. The exterior of my stomach is tender and any walking certainly hurts. Financially I need to work, but physically I think I need to wait another day. So in the meantime we will hurry up and wait to find out what the next step is.

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