Saturday, September 11, 2010

A New Direction

Sometimes in our lives we travel along roads that are all too unfamiliar to us. Then, when we get to the proverbial fork in the road, must make a decision about which way to go.

I feel that I have been traveling towards a fork in the road, and all I have seen is the ability to turn either right or left. But, what if I decided to create my own road. Where would it lead? Would I be happy with the results? How would I even know?

Although it is not a requirement of my doctoral program I thought I might want to take a few moments to reflect on my journey. The root of Organizational Leadership is founded on principles of self-leadership and mastery. I am not a perfect person, nor do I think I can ever become such. But I can decide to be better. This power to change does not come from fancy over-priced text books, self-help classes, or intriguing emotionally charged movies. Rather the power to change comes from Christ. It is through Him that all things are possible.

I don't know how I will make the journey. There are so many unanswered questions - where will the money come from to pay tuition, books, and travel; or how will my family survive a seemingly absent parent figure (not to mention Becky's own educational journey). All I know is that I have faith. Faith that we will survive - no, not survive. We will flourish, grow, and become who our Father in Heaven wants us to be. As long as we push forward unceasingly with a perfect brightness of hope.

I do have hope. Hope for a better future. Hope that all things are possible. And trust that the journey will be well worth the price.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just When You Think...

I know. Shocker. I am actually writing a blog post. Not sure why I am writing this...but I am.

It is amazing how sometimes you think life is going pretty well, and then Wham-O! Life kicks you pretty hard from the back side. I am really struggling with keeping my head up amidst the latest challenges. I know it is Satan that is getting to me, and I need to get out of this rut. But man...sometimes it is just hard.

There are so many things I want to get out, but all that does is drudge up the negative. So instead I will try to focus on the blessings I have.

A good friend of mine gave an amazing devotional today at work. It was about the Spirit of God and the blessings we can receive by having that Spirit in our lives. My goal this week is to see what I can do to have more of His spirit in my daily life. I need to find ways to not let life's tribulations get the best of me.

So, with that in mind I am off to go see if my broken down car is still on the side of the road. Then hopefully get it running again.