Friday, July 4, 2008


In a previous blog I mentioned how I love to teach. Well, I was finally able to round up some very unsuspecting kids. Ok, so they really aren't students, but they did listen and participate. Parenting really is another classroom; filled with tests, pop quizzes, homework, and reports. There are times that the lessons are filled with excitement and intrigue, and other times where they are boring. Today we had a great topic - dating.

Rachael is at the dating stage and the lessons learned here can be dire. Luckily she is doing well and as parents we are so impressed. Thank goodness for the home environment that allows teens to experiment and learn within good wholesome boundaries. Sure this discussion started because we are trying to give those gentle little corrections that our children need. But it was a good correction and the mistakes are little. Rachael is a great young women and she is learning as she should. The real test is to see how she makes corrections in the future. Her independence is growing and we are thankful for that.

Speaking of independence, today is July 4th. In light of my recent gall bladder attack we have made some modifications to our celebration. It seems that so many holidays revolve around food. Why is that? What is it about our culture that makes us feel that we need to eat to celebrate? So, instead of eating our brains out, we will enjoy a simple family celebration. Although I would love to go hiking in the mountains, I do not think Rachael's bad knee, or my stomach could endure the challenge. Instead we will read books, play music instruments, and have a fun family day. Happy Independence Day everyone!

I guess I am having another type of Independence today as well. I got my blood tests back and it appears my pancreas is reactive to the gall stones. This is good, I was worried that I had full blown pancreatitis. That would have been scary. In light of the test results I will be meeting with a surgeon next week to have an initial consultation. It will be at that meeting that we will discuss the need to have my gall bladder removed. I know I have posted in the past about my desire to avoid surgery, but there are also risks with not proceeding with surgery. I have talked with several people that have had their gall bladders removed. And they all agree it is the best thing they have done - no more attacks, no more pain. To me that sounds wonderful. I certainly have my pain under control now (at least I am able to make it through the day without pain medications) because I am eating better. But I have had to limit all nuts, fat, meat, dairy, beans, etc. Basically I am able to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Not a bad option - I have lost weight, but it is certainly boring. I would love to be able to eat nuts and beans. Oh well, I really shouldn't complain. I am doing well and feeling better. So to celebrate my Independence day I think I will go eat another apple.

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