Thursday, June 19, 2008

Talent Search

There are many things I want to do in this life. I would love to learn to play the steel drums, pick up a guitar, or even take wood and create masterful pieces. But I just can't seem to find time or ability. Trust me I have tried - I bang on the steering wheel, twiddle my air guitar, and even whittle wood. But each time it does not get me any closer to mastering any of my desires.

I have heard it stated time and again that everyone has a talent. If that is true why can't I seem to find mine? I know that I am poking fun at my steering wheel drums, but honestly I just can't figure out what I am good at.

Some people (ok my biased wife) have stated that one of my talents is teaching. I must admit, I do like to teach. I am the kind of person that will gladly teach any class, at any level, even without much notice. There have been times that I have taught Elders Quorum, Youth Sunday School, or even Gospel Doctrine without any notice (usually as class is beginning). The problem is when I am looking for something to do I just can't get together a group of people and start teaching.

So, I am in search of a talent.

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