Sunday, April 13, 2008


Aren't birthdays interesting. It seems the older I get the less stressed I become over birthdays. Let's face it, each and everyday you are a day older than you were before. Birthdays don't really change anything.

What I can say is that the day was just want I needed. We had some great friends come over and share a wonderful meal together. By the way, I love my wife. She made me one of my favorite meals - home made refried beans, mexican rice, and chicken taquitos. Then we finished it up with some lemon bars that Rachael made. My day could not have been better - my kids treated me like royalty. They got up early and made me breakfast, a sign that they all signed, and just basic take care of Dad day. I love it. That was the best present I could have received. And to wrap it all up my wife wrote the most amazing post on her blog about me. I LOVE HER! She is the best and makes this crazy life all worth it. I could not imagine life without her.

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